Ma, quỷ, yêu tinh phân biệt như thế nào?
How to distinguish ghosts, demons, elves? This article will help you understand a little more about them if you believe in the spiritual world.
The ordinary people after death will become ghosts or demons, the first, into a Buddha depending on the merit of cultivation.
The animals after death will also become ghosts and take the human form before wearing the animal.
People often have 3 souls, boys have 7 children, girls have 9 children.
Ghost classification has:
Examinations: The dead know how to go because they are possessed by ghosts, captured by the dharma masters.
Oan soul: Death is not to be reincarnated, or death does not have mandarins to arrest the unjust souls, death has not completed the wish, barbaric death is too easy to be unjust, ...
Ghost paper, doll: The paper and plastic effigy after burning will become a paper ghost.
Shapes of ghosts: The shape of ghosts looking slightly transparent translucent like the tiny particles of soap bubbles breaking out, often long hair that is messy and fluttering (because ghosts don't have haircuts like people), shirts white to the heel, so no legs were seen, eyes were sunken, skin was pale. Ghost faces often look slightly disgusting. There are also ghosts that look like real people because the shape of a ghost is the shape of a person when alive. A child after death will be a ghost shaped like a child, an adult after death will take the form of an adult, unborn babies born after death will take the shape of the dead from a previous life when reincarnating.
When to see ghosts:
Often see ghosts at 12 noon, from 6pm until the third watch.
July is a new year for ghosts to visit the house, so they often see ghosts.
It rains often see ghosts raining, because ghosts are afraid of rain due to fear of lightning.
In the house, there are new people who often see ghosts because the mandarins come to arrest ghosts, and the demons lead ghosts to visit the house.
Or see ghosts outside the cemetery.
Or see ghosts at some deserted houses uninhabited.
Occasionally seeing ghosts as a normal person on the ceiling because each ghost has an hour of spirituality (birth and death) can show the whole person as a person.
Day 2 and 16 sounds monthly.
Naturally cold spine, hair raising is possible around the ghost.
Where do you usually live: Ma also has a gathering house or a private house under the government, the house is sent down by people on earth. On the ghost earth often reside in perennial trees, outdoor statues, mannequins, in some abandoned houses or reside in some inhabited houses, ...
What are you afraid of:
Ma is afraid of going to rain because it is easily hit by lightning.
Ma was afraid to meet demons because demons often enslaved or devoured ghosts, making ghosts flattering and unable to be born.
Ma is afraid of meeting the wrong people, the wrong officers go to the underworld.
Most ghosts are afraid of seeing people, because when the person sees it will talk, then the judge will go to find ghosts.
Fear of killing objects like knives.
Afraid of reflections like mirrors, ...
Fear of minus evil chasing things like garlic, trigrams, squid blood, dirty woman's clothes on red light, ...
Afraid of dharma masters catching ghosts
Fear comes near and enters the temple.
What does Ma eat:
Ma likes to eat incense and worship food. To eat the true taste of food, ghosts have to buy a medicine to drink under the underworld, after taking the medicine will eat the true taste of the food. The food after being offered to the ghosts, the living people eat back the feeling of light, not delicious and less taste, ordinary people do not see food that has been eaten by ghosts, only those who can see ghosts can see Food has been eaten by ghosts.
Ma does not like to eat food and drinks under the cold underworld without taste, ghosts also eat at restaurants at intersections by ghosts sold to ghosts. Almost all ghosts are hungry for food, especially hungry ghosts, when they die, they cannot eat well. So before dying, people often try to eat really well so that they will not become hungry ghosts.
Ma also likes to eat chicken and pork roasted by living people.
How to send things to ghosts: Sweep and burn gold coins for clothes, houses, servants, ...
If you send it to your loved one or personally, read the name of the address, after burning the money, it will be transferred to the bank under the government, then transferred to the dead, the money given by the local bank to the gradual consumption If the account is not available, it is not known how much is left in the account. Any items that are allowed to be used will be passed to the dead. A good time when there is a new event will be hearing information about a loved one alive.
Sending things to the soldiers of the soldiers who were hidden from their faces, burned directly and prayed, ghosts will receive and take money directly after the money burns out.
The fire money does not go away or the money in the burning process will be considered as damaged money and cannot be spent, the clothes when burned do not burn out or are punctured, the ghosts are worn correctly. Money and burning supplies to the underworld no one will receive a public fund to distribute to the poor.
How does the ghost come from the underworld to:
In the world, there are 4 doors that help people to go to hell, these 4 doors at the time of appearing and very few people know and meet. Living people who go to hell and eat things or take things down there will become ghosts.
In addition, there are many up and down ways for ghosts, especially in cemeteries, water wells, deep ponds, ...
Going through these up and down points is like going to a water slide game in the park, just swirling around and falling into one or up.
What can Ma do with a living person: The ghost's point is clear: help or not help or destroy.
Ma often helps relatives and people with gratitude or repayment, repaying debt according to the law of cause and effect.
Ma often harasses people who have grudge, typically the fetus often follows harassment of abortions.
Ma moves: Usually hovering is ground or jumping coffee like a test.
Some abilities of ghosts:
Ma just died as a newborn child, everything was afraid, easily bullied by old ghosts, joking.
A long-lived ghost can travel through walls without having to climb a window, climbing the back door to avoid being hit by the earth.
The long-lived ghost can move objects. We often find things in our homes naturally falling apart, or looking for them and not seeing them.
Ma can dream through dreams.
Ma can lift things, people: There are many people who fall from the top down without being starved to help them.
A long-time ghost may have some magic like creating a puddle that makes people slip, ...
The long-time ghost can manifest as the person who lives according to his will, not to wait on the spiritual hour (birth and death).
Ma can help people with some unusual things: change others' intentions, drive away, ...
Enter in a number of suitable people or have a grace of past life.
And some other possibilities.
How to see ghosts:
Clearing the label points with the dharma of the Dharma teacher.
Look in a translucent glass (no silver coated behind).
Take grapefruit juice to wash eyes 7 times.
Some high-resolution video or photo shooting may also shoot and capture ghosts.
Talk to ghosts: Usually, only dharma teachers have this ability or some people have special abilities. We also occasionally see some voices around us without knowing who said or spoke from. The voice of a ghost at a different frequency than the living one, wanting to hear it also has to hear the hearing. Some people have the ability to talk to ghosts. When speaking to ghosts, they do not pronounce.
Ma guarded: In some positions, we often see accidents or suicides that often have guards to keep watch, when other ghosts can take the place of reincarnation.
Ma studied: Before going to reincarnate in a certain country, he had to learn to read and learn to speak before the country's dialect like a child.
Games can be played with ghosts: mechanical bridges, ghosts, ...
The romance of ghosts: ghosts also have feelings like humans, they also love to hate, but love stories for boys and girls, men and women are not as rich and popular as people, may like and get acquainted, often meet remove, or often go together. Ma can't kiss each other and can't handle it, just hugs each other and holds hands. Some ghosts can also enter 1 common person to xyz with ordinary people. Some ghosts also have feelings for people. There is one thing like this: there was a guy visiting a relative in the cemetery, saw a picture on a grave of a girl who said, "It is beautiful, if she is alive, I will marry as a wife." So the ghost of this girl went after the boy, making the boy unfamiliar with anyone, unable to love anyone but not understanding why. So, we must not say miscellaneous in the cemetery,
How does the ghost enter into the body: there are 3 positions that help the ghost to easily enter the person: walking (especially on the stairs), lying down (especially in a hammock, counter), sitting down (especially is lounge chair, recliner).
When the ghost wants to enter the person when he is walking, the ghost will stand behind him, two ghost hands holding his hands, his feet follow the footsteps and the rhythm of the human foot, about a few steps will enter him.
When the ghost wants to enter the person lying down, the ghost will lie on the person lying down.
When the ghost wants to enter the person who is about to sit down on the chair, the ghost will sit at the chair of the person who will sit, waiting for the person to sit down to hold both hands firmly and enter.
The above positions and situations will make ghosts easier to enter. When you lie down, you find it hard to breathe, your limbs are hard to move, feeling that your chest is very pressured may be due to you being under pressure.
Why do people and ghosts of different sizes enter medicine: you can see a female ghost entering a man, a child of a ghost entering an adult, an old ghost entering a young man , ... Understand a simple way like this: someone is a biological machine, and a ghost (soul) as a power source. If there is electricity, the machine will run. When you enter your body, you will automatically fit into the human body. Some people who live like plants after an accident are deadly.
Manifestations of some people who are possessed: for ordinary people, when they are possessed, people around them will see that person is a little crazy, not acting normally. and may also have the actions and words of a complete stranger (of the ghost itself).
For dharma masters, it is possible to allow ghosts to enter or expel and whenever possible, borrow ghost spirits to borrow that special ability of ghosts.
For some people who have special abilities because they see ghosts, they can agree or disagree with ghosts. When they do not want to enter, they can avoid allowing them to enter, but sometimes they will be possessed suddenly by ghosts. behind. Often these people don't know how to expel that ghost from the body.
How to cope when being possessed: no matter how you use it, it will avoid injury to the possessed:
Using red thread to tie 2 big toes together, 2 thumbs together, and hitting hard (to avoid injury to the entered person) will cause the ghost to escape.
Use a chain of blood dog ink.
Move the person who is entered into another house to borrow the earthwork to help.
Seven-sword sword (made with coins, swords, minus ghosts).
Invite the dharma teacher.
Bring grapefruit leaves to the temple, or shower with grapefruit juice.
In folk also spread some other ways.
The merit of ghosts: ghosts who do something wrong will be recorded in the criminal record. Ma will also be enrolled in merit, some unjustly will not know when he will reincarnate until a certain fate will be assigned to the completed task to reincarnate. Ghosts that cause many crimes will be easily turned into demons.
When the ghost will go reincarnated: When he will bear all the sins he causes, he will go to wait for reincarnation.
Advice: do not say offensive or subtle matters to people who have died, do not break graves, steal things from dead people, do not look at mirrors in the evening, when eating rice should not be taken away bowl of chopsticks, ...
Hell under the devil: evil devils who are responsible for executing penalties in hell, heavy demons are locked up in hell.
The murderer who makes evil karma too deadly can easily turn into a devil.
Devils are caused by heavy obstacles.
Shape: more gruesome than ghosts with bloodshot eyes.
Where demons often appear on earth: some places where there are dead people often have demons hiding.
What can demons do:
Demons can harm people, catching ghosts is less likely to harm people.
Demons can catch ghosts to make slaves, or eat flying spirits.
Who can destroy demons:
The divine god of divine karma for karma.
The dharma masters can catch demons, but if the superior magic can be captured by the demon.
The mandarins in hell go to catch demons.
How to avoid demons: avoid going to some wilderness, avoiding going back and forth in places where many people die.
It is often because of the animals that live long and cultivate.
Animals often cultivate into common ogres: snakes, sardines, pythons, foxes, rabbits, spiders, centipedes, ...
Animals with special colors like black and white.
The shape of elves: long-cultivated elves can be transformed into the desired shapes according to virtue.
Magic: The longer the elves cultivate, the better the magic is, depending on the origin and the tendency of cultivation, there are different forte magic.
Good and bad elves:
Bad goblins often harm people and other animals in order to benefit their evil spells.
Good goblins do not harm people and animals, the virtue of the great ogre can be transformed into human beings, or save humanity, higher morality can be ranked first, serving under 1 gods or buddhas.
Who can destroy goblins:
High-quality teachers often kill the human being.
The buddhist gods recovered the elves.
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