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What is going on has become a series of "great catastrophes" that put Buddhism into an unprecedented crisis. From the monks to the whirlwind "holy merchant, half god", Buddhism is witnessing extreme chaos. The temple, which has a place, becomes a "religious base"; while "religious officials", there are places, monks' coats; and "Buddhists" are passionate about admiration for the evil spirits, demons ...
Many pagodas, Buddha "crowded" but "demons" abound. "Highest Southeast Asian" Buddha statues and "largest Southeast Asian" temples have sprung up on a country with bad things, which are strictly forbidden in Buddhist teachings, probably also belong to first-class Southeast Asia, from stealing, rape, to even killing biological parents ... The social moral crisis, so ironic, is directly proportional to the whirlwind of temples and the fever of going to the temple . The pagoda is being "socialized" so why the Buddhist teachings have not been "socialized" to help the society better, people live better, the hearts are more sincere, the mind is more peaceful. ? If the temple is sowing "good" people, why is the "fruit" so terrible? What "cause-effect" law can explain this? In fact, the temple eruption has planted other "causes", rather than "moral".
"Fake Buddha", "fake Buddha"; "Fake temple", "fake temple"; "Fake increase", "fake increase". Only this is true: "Dharma-ending"! "True Buddha" is crying (perhaps). "Fake Buddha" just counted money and laughed (probably). "Real Bodhisattva" is chanting for Buddhism to escape the disaster. "Bodhisattva fake", the rosary "universal level of beings" by foreign language. The biggest question to be concerned about is not only the "business" of Buddhism but also why more and more Buddhists cannot see the "fake Buddha" in the "fake temple" architecture? Classes of people who go to the temple do not show that Buddhism is developing. Which is the opposite. The more smoky incense sticks, it seems, obscures the true path of enlightenment that the teachings of Buddhism teach. "Going to the temple to visit Buddha" - a solemn religious culture associated with national culture - has turned into a "shopping" activity to buy all the things "market" in real life cannot buy, from dreams, aspirations, names and "fortune". "Bodhisattva" does "witness", "Buddha" does "testify"? The cyclone to build a temple may not explode if "saints and gods" do not "grasp" the "psychology" and "market demand".
In "What The Buddha Taught" - one of the classic and basic works on Buddhist teachings, Venerable Walpola Rahula (1907-1997) writes: "According to Buddha, the position of man is supreme. Man is his own master, and there is no higher entity or power to determine its fate. The Buddha taught: "People are their own refuge, but who else can be a refuge?". He advised his disciples to be "a refuge for themselves" and should never seek refuge or the help of anyone else. He teaches, encourages and encourages each person to open up and find freedom for himself, because man has the power to free himself from all ties, with his own intellect and effort. The Buddha taught: "You should do your work, because the Tathagata teaches only the way ”. If the Buddha is called a "savior", it only means that He has found and pointed the way to Liberation, Nirvana. But we must walk on that Path by ourselves "(*).
In the book "Seeing Buddha", Professor Cao Huy Thuan wrote: "He is all around, He is around us, anyone can see Him if the mind is bright, and depending on how bright the mind is, the Buddha is clear. Reciting the Buddha's mind is to make the mind light and the mind light, the Buddha appears, because the Buddha is all around, of course, the Buddha is also in our mind ... The person who goes deep into Buddhism will admire the deep relationship between wisdom and trust. In Buddhism, faith is always based on wisdom, and wisdom can only shine to truth if supported by faith. Seeing Buddha is only normal. Not on that star, but in the heart. Born 2,546 years ago, Buddha is still around us to always speak to me from the heart, saying: I was born as a human being, and from man, not from anywhere else, from Me, from myself, I was enlightened ... ”.
It is difficult to ask a "popular" person to "see" Buddha as Cao Huy Thuan "sees" or sees "The Way" to go by himself as the Venerable Walpola Rahula writes. However, Buddhism is profound but Buddhists do not need to cultivate to erudite like the Monks or Le Manh Tham to fully understand the Dharma. Wanting to "see Buddha" is not impossible. Everyone can "see" that Buddha is not in the temple; Buddha is in the mind. No Buddhists but at least once heard that. There have not been any Buddhist doctrines or philosophies that refer to acts of superstition as "a means" to be certified as "sincere" or to help find the ultimate truth of Buddhism. There may be Buddhists who cultivate and practice their lives according to what the Buddhist teachings have not yet "met" the Buddha but surely that they will never "see" the Buddha no matter how many times they go to the temple. bowing to Buddha statue how many and "giving" how much money. As long as they bring to the temple the things that basic Buddhism advises to let go, as long as the mind is still disturbed and the mind is still "closed" to the Buddha's door, how can "see" Buddha even when the statue Buddha touching before his eyes?
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