Ăn thế nào để cải thiện điểm thi của bạn ?
Are you about to enter a period? In addition to equipping knowledge, eating well, science also contribute to good results for you, and consult!
1. Reasonable eating can improve your test scores
When you face important exams, providing adequate nutrition to your body as well as your brain may be the thing that you least care about. However, eating well helps a lot in improving your score. And you wonder if drinking lots of water really increases your learning ability?
Whether you are a student or the parent of a child who is going to take the high school exam, it is also necessary to get food tips quickly and easily to help you maintain your energy levels. weight, improve concentration and memory.
2. How important is drinking water?
One of the best ways to maximize your concentration is to make sure you get enough water. Even mild dehydration can lead to fatigue, headaches, decreased alertness and decreased concentration.
It is best to start the day with a large glass of water or hot drinks such as fruit tea. The European Food Safety Authority suggests women drink about 1.6 liters of water and men about 2 liters of water a day. Approximately 8 to 10 cups of 200 ml. Water is a good drink, but it is also possible to drink other healthy drinks such as milk or fruit juice. Do not drink too much tea and coffee because it is high in caffeine. And it is best to avoid carbonated drinks and energy-rich drinks with lots of sugar. Take a bottle of water to the exam if you are allowed, a study by college students shows that people who bring drinks, especially water, do the tests better than others 5 %
3. Foods that will help you focus more.
A rational diet can help you focus more and avoid many illnesses. So you need to provide all the nutrients you need for your body's growth as well as avoiding skipping meals or your blood sugar level will drop and this is not really good for you. your health at all. Here are the foods you need in a meal:
- Fat: In the West we eat too much Omega-6, found in vegetable and seed oils, and too little Omega-3 (important for the brain), found in fish and sea produce a lot of oil. It is important to limit Omega-6 consumption. This means limiting products made from oils, such as some margarine ...
- Vegetables: Vegetables that contain fiber will slow down digestion, make the energy in food absorbed more slowly and thus help you avoid the excessive absorption of energy and too little energy. A good source of fiber includes carrots and broccoli. Where iron is especially important for your body during exams, iron deficiency (defined as more than 40% in teenage girls) will lead to fatigue and lack of concentration. You can steal iron for your body through red meats, seafood, cereals, beans, ...
- Grains: In cereals that contain carbohydrates that release energy slowly into the body like bread, brown rice and porridge help keep your blood sugar levels stable. New research shows that only 17% of adults and 6% of children eat a full grain whole meal at a meal. Instead of eating all cereals in one serving, you should eat 3 slices of bread or 1 bowl of cereal with 1 slice of bread every day that will provide all the grains you need. Some cereals, such as wheat, are a rich source of zinc. Young children are hyperactive and overactive which leads to zinc deficiency in children, you need to add cereals to their meals to compensate for reduced zinc.
- Protein: Fish and seafood are important foods for the brain as well as concentration (thanks to long-chain omega-3). About 8% of the brain is Omega-3 fat so we should eat a rich portion of Omega-3 foods at least 2 days a week. It is found in salmon, sardines, fresh tuna (not canned), salmon and mackerel. Omega-3s are substances that need to be supplemented, especially during the exam period. Short chains of Omega-3, found in nuts and seeds, are less necessary for the body, but we can convert them into long chains to put them into the body.
- Dependent: The fiber in the fruit slows down digestion and therefore the energy in the food will be absorbed more slowly to help the body not absorb too much energy in a short time; Apples, pears, raspberries and bananas are good sources, Also try to sprinkle frozen fruits or dried fruits into porridge. Vitamin C is essential for your immune system, and it is found in fruits and vegetables such as oranges, tangerines and kiwifruit as a particularly good source of vitamin C. Most of our bodies will absorb many vitamins from eating lots of fruits and vegetables.
- Water: Water makes up two-thirds of the body. Drinking water depends on factors such as age, weather (you need to drink more when it's hot) and physical activity. Many studies recommend drinking 1.2 liters / 2 cans, or 6-8 glasses of water a day. And you should drink water even when your body feels thirsty.
4. The best breakfast on the exam day.
Research shows that people who eat breakfast tend to perform better than those who don't eat breakfast in exams. For the best breakfast you should eat foods that contain carbohydrates such as grilled swallow porridge or bread, as they provide energy that is slowly absorbed into the body. Also eat some protein foods like milk, yogurt, eggs, to keep you feeling fuller longer. On the day of the exam, you should eat foods rich in Omega-3 long-chain fats such as mackerel to promote brain activity.
5. The snacks you should choose.
When it comes to snacks especially during the exam season, you should think about foods that provide energy slowly into the body, for example:
- Nuts: They are rich in protein and will keep you feeling full longer.
- Fruits are high in fiber: the fiber in fruits helps release energy into the blood more slowly, making the energy supply longer. Fruits like bananas, apples and pears will help you a lot.
- Popcorn: This is a fiber-rich snack, so it releases energy slowly into the body, while it contains fewer calories than crisps to help you eat more rich foods. More nutritious at the main meal.
- Dried fruit: Most dried fruits contain a lot of fiber, so energy is also absorbed slowly.
6. What should you eat to sleep a good night?
How can sleep affect your score?
Not getting enough sleep can negatively affect your memory and slow your reaction. Experts believe that memory cells are responsible for converting short-term to long-term memories of people who work most effectively when we are sleeping. There is evidence that students who sleep seven hours a night do better on average than those who sleep less than 10%. So what should you eat and drink before going to bed to promote sleep?
What should you eat before going to bed?
A full meal too close to bedtime can interfere with sleep, so try to have your last meal at least three hours before you go to sleep. Then there is a small dish like a bowl of cereal rich in porridge before going to bed. If you need sweetener with cereal, give dried fruit instead of sugar.
What should you drink before going to bed?
Avoid caffeine-containing foods and beverages like tea, coffee, cola and chocolate at least four hours before bedtime. You should know that some people are very sensitive to caffeine and they can still feel its effects 12 hours later. It's best to drink a glass of warm milk to help you sleep better.
By now you probably have a lot of useful information for your meal in the exam season as well as your other daily meals. Wish you have good meals and energy to complete the exam in the best way.
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