Ghi chép trên giấy giúp ghi nhớ tốt hơn dùng vi tính
Do you believe that paper recording will help you remember information and master the problem a lot more than saving the whole thing on WORD?
Most students now use laptops when they go to school. It is not uncommon for us to live in a digital age and it is hard to imagine how difficult it will be to learn if there is a computer. Computers make learning easier and more efficient thanks to convenient, time-saving document lookups and especially a lot more research. These benefits also make paper recording seem to be "lagging" and wasteful!
However, according to a study by Pam Mueller (Princeton University) and Daniel Oppenheimer (University of California), students who regularly take notes by hand will learn more effectively than students who only focus on computers. And the following reasons will help you:
1. Taking notes will take time but that's when you "digest" knowledge
Our brain consists of two different cognitive processes that correspond to typing and writing. According to a survey conducted for high school students, the results showed that the number of students who only listened and typed almost all lectures often did not happen to process information in the brain. and there is no interpretation of what they hear. Basically, when you type, you completely copy the information mechanically and this doesn't need to waste too much "gray matter".
Meanwhile, when you take notes, you obviously can't rewrite all the words the teacher is giving. But the difference is, you listen, choose key words and rewrite your words. Your brain participates in this process by helping you select words to reiterate the teacher's idea and as such, you will remember the lesson a lot longer in this way.
2. Word text not as good as a good page
You will probably object to this by justifying that having lots of documents on your computer will make it easier for you in later tests. Are you sure! You are wrong again. Oppenheimer pointed out that taking hard notes will help you recreate the context and content of the lesson.
The chart below is the result of a survey for high school students and is monitored for 1 week in a row. Obviously laptop users and students who take notes almost get the same results when answering practical questions, but for reasoning questions, using laptops becomes so very bad.
3. Laptop is an agent that distracts you
Do you believe that many students spend thousands of dollars every year just to watch funny videos on youtube? Or do students spend at least 40% of class time on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram ... .. Perhaps this will surprise you, but according to the study, law school students are often less happy with go to college and easily fail in simple exams because they use computers to do unrelated things and cheat on exams.
Are these three reasons enough to convince you? If you understand, then let's see if there are any solutions to help you improve your writing ability:
1. Practice the ability to shorthand
You can abbreviate with special characters, be it your own characters, or you can refer to the system of symbols used for shorthand by searching Google. This will help you eliminate unnecessary characters when documenting, save time and focus on more important content.
2. Use the right format
Imagine how you type documents on Word, remember them and use such formatting on paper: Asterisks, bullet points, round dots or anything can help you identify problems. when writing. You should also leave space to easily add important information and practice interpreting those issues when you review them to prepare for exams.
3. Using a health ball (a stress ball)
After a few hours of continuous recording, your fingers, palms and wrists will be quite tired. Use a health ball (actually a rubber ball) and squeeze it for about 10-15 minutes; then straighten your hand and start relaxing.
4. Use Cornell recording method
An old, but most wonderful method for you to practice recording, is the Cornell method. Please divide the page into two parts. The right part - where you record the lecture, including tables and things you want to write in - is divided more broadly. The left part where you record new words, important words, good ideas or anything you find useful. At the bottom of the page, leave a small space blank to record the lesson summary in a few sentences.
It sounds a bit confusing, but you will find them extremely useful when searching for content that needs reviewing during the exam season.
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