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What do men have to do to learn to reduce their losses and gain satisfaction from their girlfriends? The following is and suggestions for questions that men often have trouble answering honestly
Men often have trouble talking to girls and make them happy. It's not that men can't do it, University of California Santa Cruz analyzes and concludes the fact that men are even more talkative than women. Although women talk more in a conversation, men say "more useful" things and offer more ideas. Women use language like bonding, while men use language as a tool of power. Professor Audrey Nelson, a research expert in gender-sharing communication, said: "Men often transmit information literally, meaning that it helps him in his work but has problems when he speaks." conversation with women ”.
So what should men do to learn how to talk to reduce damage and gain satisfaction from the enemy? The following are suggestions for questions that men often get into trouble when honestly answering:
1. "How many people have you loved?"
The correct answer: "You have been through a few relationships but they are not suitable to continue with you."
Wrong answer: "About 14 girls, that's not to mention other whisker relationships."
What she heard from this correct answer was, "Unlike other women, I am the right person to accompany you, dear." Without a woman who likes to be the prey of a conquest, she wants to be a partner in life and in the bedroom. Professor Sandor Gardos, a sexual therapist shared: “Remember to emphasize the fact that what you do in the past is not a measure for you now. And there's no need to give her a list of names of old daughters. ”
2. "Do you look fat in this dress?" (And the truth is yes)
The correct answer: "There is no need to practice justice here, dear. I wear a black dress that looks much sexier. ”
The wrong answer: "I'm not saying fat, but it's a bit chubby."
You can see it as annoying, blatant, or despairing. Scientists consider it a normal thing between girls and just a sign that she cares about her body. So, leave the fat word out of your dictionary right away, instead talk about more positive things, give her the right outfit, compliment and don't pardon her flattery for her Feel more confident in yourself. For example, she is a little fat but has very smooth skin and beautiful hair, she is a little low but has a sunny smile.
3. "Do you think that girl looks sexy?" (The truth is yes)
The correct answer: "She is quite attractive. What do you think? ”
Wrong answer: "Yes, sexy style is bad girl."
If your girlfriend asks this question, she knows that the other girl is sexy. According to Professor Chris Fariello, when women ask this question they want to evaluate your honesty. Using gentle words of praise such as "quite", "okay" and asking her opinions, made her lose focus on the woman and turned it into a conversation. change ideas.
4. You suspect that she is cheating on you
How to ask: "Perhaps a bit lacking in facilities, but I'm a little worried about my relationship and ABC, will you be honest with me?"
Don't ask: "You have something with ABC right?"
According to the College Student Journal, 63% of men think they will "eat", if the other person doesn't know. Only 52% of women agree with this. Men when jealous tend to insult when suspecting their audience adultery. However, if you ask in a second style, it will make her feel that the value is lowered, as a result, she will be able to defend and hide. What you need here is the truth, so act so that she does not defend, expressing your suspicion is not true but just your feeling, you are opening the door to the truth. out there. ”
5. "Where will this relationship go?"
The correct answer: "You need to tell the truth. At this point you haven't really found a serious relationship. ”
The wrong answer: "I think this relationship has potential."
It is important that she wants to hear that you are ready for binding. And at that time if you don't mean it, maybe she will give you some attractive offers. You just don't want to hurt her and want sex, so give her the "potential" answer she wants. But be careful with that word because it will turn you into a Department guy. A sincere answer will help her make the right and serious decisions, and also help you assess her emotional maturity. If she makes a fuss, you know where this relationship is going, right?
6. "What do you think about marriage?"
The correct answer: "It doesn't matter to you at the present time, but that doesn't mean you can't solve the marriage problems."
The wrong answer: "Well, marriage is for married people."
Let's relax. Not sure if your girlfriend is trapping, she just wants to measure how long the relationship is in this relationship. She wants you to affirm and at the same time link with her in this relationship. The strategy is to be straightforward and associate with her as if nodding, smiling and leaning on her. These actions will produce chemical reactions in women's brains like a long-term bond with her, making her feel more attached. You may not be ready for marriage right now, but you love her, so let's build the future together? By inviting her to travel with her or invite her to the house to meet your parents. This proves that you're investing in a relationship but don't have a ring.
7. You think that your story is boring
Should say: “Do you want to try this position? If you don't like it, then we can go back to the types that we know are effective. ”
Don't: "I'm a cart, let me push the car". (probably a kind of posture) =))
According to Professor Jeffrey Bernstein, do not just suggest new poses, women need time to get used to. Plan, text her sexy messages, or email that you can't wait to see her. This will help her reduce the pressure and get ready. Then in the bedroom, ask for ideas and talk about the sexy of trying new poses, ready for her to shake her head. If she shakes her head, laugh and put it aside. If you can do that, maybe she will admire you, curious to discover and offer to try.
8. "I love you" (You are not ready yet)
The correct answer: “You are not ready to say that important thing. But I think it's about to happen. "
The wrong answer: "Thank you."
First, don't worry. One study said that modern electronic devices such as texting, email, and facebook messages are the reason for the phrases to become popular. Tell her your feelings for her are growing and can change your relationship with her on Facebook. It sounds foolish and deceptive, but according to Michigan State University research, 20% of participants said they didn't take their relationship seriously until it appeared on Facebook.
9. You think this relationship is over
Said, "You can't give me the things you deserve."
Don't: "I know that you're not ready for binding."
Nobody likes to be denied. So blame your relationship and yourself, don't blame her or point out her mistake.
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