7 câu hỏi “cấm kỵ” nên tránh đặt ra khi đi phỏng vấn
Entering the interview round is an opportunity to have a "thousand years" for candidates to learn about the organization, company culture as well as the position they are about to undertake. However, there are questions that will cause candidates to lose points immediately in front of employers. The following 7 questions for the "taboo" employer should be avoided when interviewing.
1. "What is your company doing? Who is the main opponent? ”
Do you realize your lack of preparation when asking this question? Most employers will evaluate candidates as being reckless and do not pay attention to the jobs they apply when asking such silly questions. If you can find it easily on Google, you do not need to wait until the interview to interview with the employer. Instead, the candidate may ask: "You describe your company culture as How to ask? ”When asking questions to employers this way will show you the perspective of the employer about the environment you are going to work with, and whether the company will be more important to employee satisfaction or just focus on the level of development of the company.
2. "How much will my salary be?
Let's talk about the problem of money. If the salary is cleverly brought in, the employer will feel more comfortable sharing this. However, you will not want to directly raise the issue just after the first few exchanges. To be more polite, the candidate may ask: “Can you tell us the next step? or "Is there anything the company needs to discuss before making an official job offer?" Making an offer instead of a decision will help the candidate with the employer. a reasonable time for them to think and give appropriate answers, not just a sudden momentary decision.
3. "How can I get promoted quickly?"
But have you hurriedly wanted to climb the ladder higher in your career? Consider now, when you have not even been officially recruited. Therefore, you need to focus more on the tasks or factors that influence this position. Can you ask questions like: "What did the previous employees do to succeed in this position?" . The focus of this question will help applicants find answers about how a company evaluates an employee's success and competence, thereby making appropriate promotion decisions.
4. "What happens if I don't get along with my boss and colleagues?"
When asking this question, the employer will assume that you are a "prehistoric" person who has a conflict or conflict with a colleague. Therefore, they can evaluate the candidate as a type of person who is difficult to get along with or work together effectively. Instead, the candidate should ask questions to the employer with the guesswork such as: Who will I report to? "In case you have to work under multiple ties, so you need to know who will monitor your work before accepting this position. Or, the applicant may ask, "Can you give me an example of how to work with managers at the company?" This question is especially important when you want to find out if your boss is really the type of leader who knows how to "use" people and understand the strengths of their employees.
5. "Did you check my social networking sites or my resume?"
Candidates often assume that employers tend to enter their private lives to learn about and evaluate them. And when posing this question, even if you have no intention, the employer will begin to be skeptical of your personality or the life habits you are applying. Review employers: "Do you need me to provide any additional information to better understand?". This question not only shows the polite attitude, but also helps the candidates to find out if the employer has "deepened" the information about you. In addition, it also demonstrates your dynamism and enthusiasm for work.
6. "Are you married? What is your current salary? "
Do not ask the employer questions with personal questions, if you do not want to be listed on the "black list" of the company. Candidates can raise the issue to discuss with employers. Direction: "What are your career goals? And how has it changed since you held this position ?. Most employers love sharing about how they build their personal careers. At the end of the conversation, try to create a career discussion from the perspective of a professional employer. In addition, you can also ask: "What is the most interesting project you have ever done?". When asking this question, the candidate not only reaps the sharing experience from the employer but also envisions the overall picture of the parts at the company, and how it works among these departments.
7 “How did I show it? Will I pass the interview? ”
A question that forces employers to make decisions right away is often not a wise way to deal. If you really want to receive comments or comments, wait until the company sends a job offer or a letter of rejection to you. After that, you might consider sending a shared email about what you have done, or need to improve to make it better in later interviews.
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