Cách để khơi gợi nụ hôn từ chàng
The kiss takes place most of the time, it takes initiative from the men. But sometimes she waits for "long neck" that he still hasn't ... kissed. Today will give you a few tips to "prompt" him and speed up the process.
Become attractive. Because respect for your wishes (and fear of rejection) the boys often do not dare to proactively unless he is sure of the fifties that you want to be. If you really want this first kiss, make him comfortable and confident. Flirt with him, laugh with jokes, smile more and praise him. When he becomes more comfortable and knows that the opponent likes to be with him, he will have the courage and the way to kiss you.
Break the collision barrier. Touch his arm or shoulder lightly when you talk. You just need to quickly go through it, do it accidentally and don't be too shy. Holding hands is a good way to reach the contact boundary. Some simple touches can promote intimacy between you and him. Sometimes when he breaks the collision barrier and you feel comfortable with it, touch him again. However, you do not have to wait for him to take the initiative, in general they can still do this first.
Look at his lips. If you want to kiss when you two are together, look into the person's eyes and move your gaze down your lips. Take a quick look then continue to make eye contact and smile wryly. You should not be too worried about it - a quick glance down at your lips is better than staring at it while talking. Most men will catch the signal. If the first time has no results, you can try again later when appropriate.
Turn attention to your lips. Giving attention to your lips will cleverly suggest to the other half that you want to be kissed by him. You should focus on "talking" body language rather than wondering whether to apply lipstick or lip gloss.
Touch your lips. Regularly rub your fingers lightly on your lips or play with your lower lip. To a moderate degree, this will "give the green light" to the person that you want to kiss. However, if you are too abusive, you will not be natural and even lose interest.
Bite the lower lip. Again, you should perform very gently and moderately. Gentle, playful lips will attract his attention to the lips. In addition, it makes your lips feel full and natural red without applying lipstick or lip gloss, lips will appeal to him without causing him to worry about ruining the make-up you have done. prepare.
Lips lips. Don't just lick your lips in a cliché, slowly lick from one side of your lips to the other while rolling him into the erotic eyes. However, this gesture is difficult to do properly, so very few people can complete it. Instead, try to gently wet your lips with your tongue gently. Immediately afterwards, bash your lower lip and you will defeat him. Note that if you lick your lips too much you will be a bit odd and hungry, but the lips will become too wet and unattractive. This method should only be used as a last resort.
Stay for a while. When he returned from the appointment, linger a bit. If you sit in a car, do not rush out immediately. Instead, sit next to him for a few more seconds. Unlock the seatbelt and look at him expectantly. Finding a way to suggest something to say is embarrassing, but it may flash in the mind of his intention to kiss you; however, if the conversation becomes intoxicating or interesting, there will be no silence for him to feel comfortable and reach for a kiss.
If he takes you to the door, play with the key for a while. This is a common sign that girls do to suggest a kiss at the end of an appointment. Look up one to two times so he has a chance to lead.
Come close. You have to come very close so that he can kiss, the closer the distance is, the more favorable he will be to kissing you, so please close it to him. When the time is ripe, bring your face close to his face and look at him affectionately. If you have courage, try closing the gap as if you were about to kiss him.
Start this move during or after the hug. Hugging him for a long time and being intimate (avoid patting his back or hugging only with one hand - those actions can be misunderstood into a nonchalant attitude). Before leaving the hug or backing away, lift your head slightly. So he will have a chance to kiss you. In the worst case, you just need to loosen your body and arms immediately afterwards, or, kiss your cheek quickly.
Talk about that. If he doesn't understand your suggestions, bring the theme of kiss to the conversation. If you are watching a movie together and the kissing scene appears on the screen, say "Romance!" or something capable of affecting him. Or, you can tell him about your first kiss or a gossip about the bad kiss you've ever had. It may be the experience he needs to rely on and apply for himself.
If the boy is too shy, just say it out loud that you want to be kissed.
Kiss him. There is no rule that proactive kissing is a man's job, and some guys - especially those who have never kissed a girl - will not understand the meaning of the "green light" you are turn on. So, if you want to kiss him, go ahead and do it.
Live in the present. You can't kiss well if your mind is going anywhere. During the kiss, avoid thinking miscellaneous like "What is he / she thinking?", "I don't know if I look good tonight?", And so on. Also do not be too tall or have ANY other thoughts if you can control it. Instead, focus on how the person feels with your lips.
A good way to break the collision barrier is "hand-to-hand" and then smile and knit your fingers in his hand for a moment. This is a pretty cute way to touch that person. If he seems to like it, try holding his hand.
There is a way to get him closer to you than to pretend to shake as if you are cold. If he still doesn't understand, rub your hands together and rub your arms; This will get him to notice and understand what you want.
If he still doesn't pull you close, you'll have a good reason to be close to him.
If the boy seems to talk a lot and is fast, he may be worried because he is busy thinking about how to kiss you. In this case, tell him, "You talk too much." Intentionally speaking, then smiling, placing a finger on his lips and "whistling" lightly. He will think of a kiss right away. If you have lip balm, apply a little to your lips and ask if you use it. If he wants, help him and smile. This will be a great suggestion for the thought of "lips touching lips" arising in his mind. Or, if you have the courage, you can also apply the lipstick to him with the kiss you are expecting! (For this way, you should only use a colorless, odorless lip balm.)
Men are often afraid of stepping across the boundary because they are not sure if they read the right suggestions! It's easier for both of you (after pushing your emotions up) if you speak directly about what you want, not roundabout, without meaning, and so on. Put your arms around his hips and say, "Kiss me" or something like that.
Avoid crossing your arms. Closed body language will make him more shy in expressing affection for you.
Before meeting him, take care of your lips to be ready for a kiss. A lips that look like they want to kiss must be soft, sweet and full, not dry or cracked. Exfoliating lips with a mixture of sugar, lemon and honey to make them soft. Apply a little lip balm to provide moisture to the lips.
If you use lip gloss, lipstick or lip balm, he may be shy about kissing because your lipstick will touch his lips (especially he may feel embarrassed if you are in place) public or someone around.
Tell a guy that he says too much can be misleading. If he is completely ignorant of your intention but is merely interested in talking or trying to talk to you, he may feel offended because he thinks you are not interested in what he says. . Use caution when using this way.
If the kiss doesn't go as you expect it (in a slightly odd way because he's not experienced in this yet), give him the signs. When he does something you like, show him. Softly moaning, hugging him tighter, melting in his arms - sending signals to let him know he was on the right track.
Don't be too disappointed if you haven't received a kiss yet. Maybe he wasn't ready, or maybe he didn't like you.
Note that the collision boundary is a cultural-related category. For certain cultures, such as Islam, touching others is a taboo that can cause you serious trouble. Very careful
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