6 bước nhanh nhất để giã rượu, bia những ngày Tết
Every Tet holiday we cannot avoid being "too drunk" with relatives or friends. If it is normal, the health will return very quickly, but the Tet season is not. With so much alcohol drinking density, you need to remember how to get rid of alcohol quickly. They will be useful for the health of the whole family, especially "gentlemen".
1. Avoid being too drunk
In fact, there are many people who often don't know how much energy to drink. They kept trying to drink a lot when they were invited or excited to prove "alcohol". So the first thing to do the most effective way to solve this problem is not to drink more than your strength.
Remember not to drink beer or alcohol when your stomach is hungry. This not only makes it easier for you to get drunk, but it also makes you more serious.
2. Use alcoholic foods
After vomiting, energize your body with a bowl of porridge or hot soup. This quick way of retiring helps to add potassium and sodium salt has been consumed before. Hot, liquid food is good for the stomach and helps to recover after being drunk quickly.
3. Purify the body
If you ask what drink to drink, I will say it is a glass of water the next morning. Once you drink a lot of alcohol, your body will lose a lot of water; so adding water is the habit you need to build after tarnishing. Especially Tet, drinking more beer must drink more water the next day!
Then, a smoothie or fruity juice provides fructose, which helps to clear alcohol faster. If possible, bananas and honey will both provide nutrition and sugar for the body.
If you are a tea lover, an artichoke cup is great. Enjoying in the cold weather of spring, together with the warmth of the tea cup will make your body and spirit more comfortable. At the same time, artichokes also help reduce stomach cramps effectively.
4. Have breakfast with a cup of coffee
It is better to combine breakfast with your normal day. Because after being drunk, nerves on the head will lead to the most painful phenomenon. To stop this phenomenon, caffeine is needed to reduce vascular distension and reduce headaches.
5. Let the body do its work
Why do we need to know how to retire the fastest? We all know that alcohol is a type of alcohol, if drinking too much will lead to poisoning. After being dull, you will feel nauseous and very uncomfortable; especially in the abdomen. The best way to solve this problem is for the body to automatically eliminate it. Vomiting everything that is inside your stomach out, don't try to hold it back and make you more uncomfortable.
Some people have a habit of taking antidote before every party, which is wrong. Especially during Tet holidays, how much is enough to drink? Of course, the medicine will leave side effects on the body. Because antidote can not eliminate alcohol from the body, it is kept inside. If done for a long time will lead to very dangerous cirrhosis.
6. Physical movement
Surely, no one wants to wake up on the New Year and leave the street too soon, right? But the best after a night of drinking you need a little exercise. Gentle activity helps the body relax, self-produce edorphin good for health. Spirit to become excited, dispel the feeling of fatigue.
In addition to the quickest way to retire, there are some other tips you should not miss. Just good for health in Tet season provides sufficient nutrients for the body:
Talking about the simple alcoholic effect, a glass of sugarcane juice will help you to be more alert.
Lemon or pineapple that has a sour taste contains lots of beneficial acids to help regain appetite for the drunk; effectively pounding alcohol.
Tomatoes are also a choice for those who like this dish. In tomatoes contains many beneficial substances such as potassium, calcium, and sodium added to the body after being consumed.
Fresh ginger root about 60g sliced and cooked with a sufficient amount of boiling water; Add some honey and enjoy it. The essence helps to quickly dissolve alcohol in humans.
Besides choosing artichokes, you can choose green tea (green tea). They contain tannic acid effectively reducing alcohol in alcoholic beverages. So, when drunk, drink 1 cup of hot green tea will feel very comfortable.
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