10 cách để kéo dài tình yêu bền vững
Having a good and long-term relationship is not rocket science. By loving and supporting each other, you can keep your relationship foundation strong and build a dream for the future. Here are some ways to help prolong lasting love:
1. Be kind to each other
For the vast majority of couples who come to me, this is their first homework and this exercise almost always helps significantly. If you have been in discord with each other, it means you have been stopping doing good things for each other. Keep opening the door, cook delicious meals and say "I love you" or "I love you".
2. Find small things to make your opponent smile.
Every day, you should look for one to make your opponent smile. It could be a key chain, a flower, or even a quote or something just to make the other person know that he / she thinks about him / her and keeps her in the left. your heart
3. Give up on small things that bother you about your partner
The best way to do this is to tell yourself that those actions do not affect your relationship and try to eliminate your anger. A conversation may also be necessary, but it must be a gentle conversation, which can help most things be easily eased. For example, if your partner likes TV bigger than you, get a pair of wireless headphones. Both of you will be happier, and the sound is really much better.
4. Never argue in front of children.
The best gift parents can give their children is that they can see their parents' relationship really well. When you quarrel, your children may become very worried about what will happen to their families and with them. Also never use the word divorce in front of children, it is too dangerous and toxic to children's thinking.
5. Try to look at the good things your partner does
Some people always try to look like a real detective on what their partners do wrong, maybe because they want some bullets for the next argument, but the truth is if you tell Your spouse what he or she does right can prevent it well so that the conflict problem does not get worse.
6. Never blame, shame, or complain.
It's easy to point and tell your frustration, but before you do, think about a few things. First, ask yourself, what are you going to say that will make your opponent feel like it, and does it make things better? A much more effective approach is to tell your partner that you really like it if he or she does some things in a different way, and offers some solid examples to protect up school Do it in a better way.
7. Leave the love notes.
When I reached into my pocket and found a piece of paper that says "Love you", it brightened my day and I felt my life was much better. Remind your partner about your sustainable feelings for her or he will be extremely helpful and it is like going to provide the elevator he or she needs to pass another day at the office Room or family care.
8. Hug often.
Going to bed together, holding hands and snuggling up on the sofa are just a few ways you can connect physically, and all of this will help deepen your emotional relationship. If your partner wants to go to bed early, and you still want to stay, lie down together until your partner sleeps, and then you can wake up and do whatever you want to do.
9. Dinner as a family whenever possible
Again, this is one of the best ways to help your child grow up well, and it chases people closer together. Also, having a romantic dinner on your two-night dates is a must.
10. Believe that you are with the right people
When you suspect whether your partner is right for you, you won't be able to put the right kind of energy into the relationship. Even if you solve a problem, find that you have chosen wisely to help solve problems more easily and life becomes more interesting.
There are many other things you can do to tighten your relationship. Start with these things, and try to do it at the same time. Just start with number one, and your mate will easily interact with the next thing with you.
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