Cứ trì hoãn nếu đời cho phép!
Some people are still "in the middle of their feet" even though tomorrow is Dead Line. And so you put your legs on your neck like a rabbit starts running with a night of awakening to the new feet. Someone will be lucky to pass but if the god of luck doesn't smile you will fail. Gradually it will be deeply ingrained in the mind and become an unwanted companion.
It is paradoxical that you can watch movies or play games all day but it's hard to get started.
Genius of procrastination
On November 3, 1787, Mozart still went drinking with his friends in Prague, knowing that the next day he had to launch his latest opera, the famous masterpiece Don Giovanni, until today. The only problem was that he had not written the Introduction yet.
Indeed, Mozart's world music genius is also a master of procrastination. According to a published document in 1845, friends must convince Mozart that he cannot hesitate any longer, and in half. the night he returned home. He wandered all night so that the wife had to punch to bring him back to his senses. He finally finished the opening piece, but the performance had to be postponed because there was not enough time to copy the music and not keep up the orchestra. It is disastrous!
And you can fall into the same state as Mozart when you dare to brave the urgent tasks just to ponder, intently on social networking sites or other pastimes. That is, you are suffering from illusions about your power and productivity, and that you think you will get the job done in a short period of time.
Deferral is defined as when you encounter a problem that needs to be solved and you are completely capable of doing it but you do not want to do it.
If they talk about the characters who let the water come to dance, they will always be proud of this habit and consider themselves talented. There is even a "National Procrastination Week" organized in honor of this habit, not knowing whether it is fostering or being sarcastic.
A study in 2013, found that people with this habit tend to face low wages, shorter working time and unemployment or very hard to find jobs.
And one thing that we all see is that when working urgently due to your procrastination you will easily fall into an overall stressful state and even, this habit can make you sick. A habit can ruin your life in a silly way.
Enter 'unscheduling method'
A rather unique reversal therapy that helps people with chronic delays get their lives back on track. Like most working time planning methods, this technique involves creating a weekly schedule to postpone specific tasks during certain time periods.
The problem is that instead of making a plan for the job you need to do the opposite, schedule what you want to do. Such as meeting friends, pastime pleasures or simply sleeping. It is important that you do not schedule any work plans. It sounds wild, but let's see how it works.
This method was invented by psychologist Neil Fiore, author of The Now Habit, published in 1988. It has appeared in many media and is used by psychotherapists as An orthodox method. Fiore first cared about the risks of procrastination when he was working at the University of California at Berkeley with realistic images from his students.
He then developed a number of techniques to work more efficiently and manage optimal time just to find a way to write a doctoral thesis in just one year. So he started a group to support people struggling with their thesis. In the following months. Fiore found it surprising that some people had finished their thesis in one to two years as opposed to the estimated 13 years. And they are very busy people in life, have lots of relationships, social events, work 40 hours a week. So there is enough time to go skiing on the weekends.
On the contrary, there are people who pull the article out with a mood of suffering, boredom. Their lives are full of whining about the "must" to do, "must" complete. The unschedule method proposes a new way of looking at your life. Instead of managing your life with horrible things like impossible tasks to scary, pouring sadness into long diary pages, boring meetings, boring when a new week comes. First, forget it. This is a matter of your psychological control, your thoughts.
Instead of canceling the afternoon and postponing exercise sessions to devote yourself to a specific project, you can put it into the life you want to lead. However, you need to offer entertainment and your commitment to doing things in the short term to make sure exactly how much time you have left for the job. Then, what you need to do is start.
Now, let's find out the cause of our procrastination. Why can you hesitate for hours with the work lists that pass in your mind, in the end you won't do anything?
Jane Burka, a licensed psychologist based in Oakland, California, is co-authored with psychologist Lenora Yuen of Procrastination: why do you do that, what to do with it now ?
They met when they were working at the Student Counseling Center at the University of California at Berkeley and like Fiore for the first time concerned about procrastination after helping students avoid it. The people they are helping with are both struggling to complete a doctoral thesis.
In the course of working, psychologists find that procrastinators tend to have a lot in common, vague time-related words and unrealistic pampering of enemies of productivity and demand. all.
But she also found that procrastination habits of important tasks may have deeper psychological origins. Be hesitant to be misunderstood as a simple problem of poor time management or laziness.Burka realizes that procrastinating people are the ones with the lowest self-esteem. You can but you don't want to do your best for a long time.
And you reassure yourself that the results are not really good even though you have made the best effort. At the same time, managing at the last minute can cheer you up because you think you will succeed from the impossible. One way to challenge yourself. Once you have a weekly plan, one goal is to avoid intimidating yourself with huge plans, scary tasks to accomplish. Instead, you are asked to start catching a way to focus on which task is within 15 minutes. Anyone can commit to that time.
Rather than aiming at the workload and how to accomplish it this avoids worrying about some people about their goals. And reinforce the idea that progress with them will happen little by little rather than in an extraordinary way like the mighty Hercules.
Fiore came up with the idea of a 15-minute rule while he was helping people with obsession. I have considered procrastination to be an obsession, an obsession with your work, he said.
Anything you identify is threatening or dangerous, you tend to avoid. To fix that, we face it in a few small parts. In other words, we break down the problems to solve.
Delayed is a mental syndrome?
There have been some suggestions that procrastination is a mental health problem. Research has shown that wanderers are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety, while a 2014 study found that students with anesthesia related to ADHD were more likely to delay.
Fiore finally calls you to change the way you describe your job. Instead of saying "I have to ...", I should choose a way to think about the softer problems. This will adjust your work to something positive and dissolve the internal battle that you may encounter between wanting to lie on the sofa and feel you need to work.
Go to work only 15 minutes, then continue your play a little bit and then return to continue for only 15 minutes ... Everything is simpler than you imagine. By the way, you are too important to solve every problem so it's messy. Please procrastinate if life allows.
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