10 câu chuyện có thật về cầu cơ khiến bạn dựng tóc gáy

10 câu chuyện có thật về cầu cơ khiến bạn dựng tóc gáy

What is a muscle bridge? Why is it so scary? And most importantly, why should you never play the bridge? Believe it or not, the following 10 stories will make you shudder and may be obsessed!

Learn about the bridge table - Ouija board

As far as I know, and heard from family members, prayers are a game of soulfulness and talking to the dead. The bridge is made on an alphabet, one side says "Yes", one side says "No", and finally "Goodbye". Some people think that mechanical demand is not effective when playing during the day, it's big mistake! Souls are always present around us, only you can't see them.

Here are 10 true stories about the bridge that no one has explained.

"I never joke around when I talk about things. Whether you believe it or not, toying with an invisible thing that can communicate with people will lead to very dangerous risks. Yes, sometimes When playing the mechanical bridge is harmless and the soul does not appear, but IF you have actually called up a soul, how about it and maybe somehow you get angry with the deceased, and they decide to "do mind "you a bit?

Take a look at the stories below to see what happened to those who play with demons. I'm sure they won't dare to do it again. "

10. The ghost doll

I received a call from my cousin; He, his brother, his father and close friends are playing the basement bridge. Before playing, they brought a large porcelain doll in the cellar to the next bathroom (to be afraid) and put it face down on a pile of towels.

After a while, the table gave out meaningless letters, my cousin decided to stand up to the bathroom to "resolve the sadness". The remaining people continue to ask questions. When they asked "Who is in the next room?", The table only gave random numbers. When my cousin came back, his brother said that this time had no effect and they were about to take off the board, and at the same time give my cousins ​​the numbers they recorded. He panicked when he saw that the number in the paper was his social security number (like the ID number of Vietnam). That made people "motive" to continue talking to this soul, "it" said my cousin would die when he was enlisted in the air force. Finally people suggest "it" to do something to prove their existence.

They approached to open the bathroom door to check the porcelain doll earlier. And God, he stood looming at the door staring at them! Frustrated, everyone fled out of the cellar. My cousin 's best friend burned the bridge table and I think he went crazy for a few months after that. Currently, for some reason, my cousin joined the air force in Europe. The thought of "that thing" mentioned his death made me shiver.

9. I missed asking "it" how long I survived

Usually when we play the bridge, we still ask "it" questions that only we know the answer to. And "it" will answer that question correctly. For example, when you ask, "What is the name of the yacht I went to when I was 6 years old?", "It" will answer.

We (probably you or the siblings of the author) have been playing the bridge for a long time. And if you play, don't be surprised when the places around you give off an unusually cold air. We also tried burning candles to place in those cold places, and strangely, the flames flickered and flickered, falling aside rather than burning straight like normal candles.

One day we asked "it" how much longer we lived, when everything became horrible. Everyone has 50-60 years of life, and for me, "it" answers 10.

I kept asking "10 years?", "It" answered "10 days".

I was dumbfounded. "It" also said I would die in a car accident, the person who stabbed me was named Emma. 3 days later I asked again, "it" said I had 7 days, and 2 days later I continued to ask, "it" answered me with 5 days left.

The days after that I became very scared. I keep a Bible in my pocket and always wear a cross on my neck. I told my father but he did not believe it, so I made a mechanical table with a piece of paper and a CD, playing right in front of my father. "It" answered, my father immediately turned the table over and told me not to go to school that day, the day I should have died. I stayed in the house and luckily nothing happened.

8. Being suffocated

I don't have any concrete evidence, but I don't care if you don't believe me. I played the bridge and indirectly invited something into my own house. This entity attacked me, and literally attacked!

Everything will start from the moment you feel you are being watched, the doors will automatically open and the footsteps on the wooden floor will sound whenever you are home alone. At night, you will be awakened because someone keeps shaking your bed, or pulling your blanket. Sometimes you hear someone whisper your name. The toilet bowl will mysteriously disappear within a few days, and then suddenly appear in places you can't expect. I was really obsessed. I saw a shadow in the corner of my room. I was followed by a man standing at the main door. I pulled my hair. My fingers are pinned. My body appeared with scratches. I was suffocated. While under the pressure, I still hear someone whisper in my ear in a strange language, Latin ...

After a while, my family did magic in the house and supernatural phenomena no longer happened. But I swear, I will never play bridge again!

7. Scratches
These are my photos after playing the muscle. These scratches appeared unexplained just before I used the mechanical table. We asked if "it" was something that caused these scratches, and it answered "Yes", "it" also said that "it" was always around me and would never leave leave me.

I have to pray day and night to "it" leave as quickly as possible!

photo of muscle, horror, supernatural, devil

6. The murdered mother-in-law
In 2001, Carol Sue Elvaker was accused of killing her son-in-law. It is known that after playing the game with her daughter and grandchildren, she was attacked by a "convincing" soul who killed her own son-in-law.

The 53-year-old woman stabbed her son-in-law's chest with a kitchen knife, she even tried to kill her 10-year-old grandson because she thought she was the devil. Her daughter, Tammy Roach, won the knife, hiding it in the house; then fled by car with mother and 2 daughters.

Elvaker, the rider, deliberately ran a jerk and crashed into a roadside sign with the intention of killing her daughter and granddaughter. But they were only slightly injured and Mrs. Elvaker broke two ankles. After getting out of the car, despite two broken ankles, she still tried to push her 15-year-old grandson into the middle of the road but failed. She fled into the forest and was discovered by police not long after.

Another key point of the story is that Tammy Roach was also arrested on charges of murder. She hid the mother's knife in the house, the car was her accident and she left her husband bleeding to death.

So were Elvaker and her mother really obsessed with the words of the evil spirit, or was that just a reason to justify their immoral acts?

5. June 24, 1987
My girlfriend once told me about a story about her own experience when she was in high school in 1986. She has a friend named Johnny, who has CF (fibrosis) cyst, a lung disease) and some other debilitating diseases. At that time he was hospitalized. She and another friend named Shelly regularly visit Johnny to cheer up her spirit and hope he will recover soon. One night after returning from the hospital, my girlfriend went to Shelly's house and they decided to try playing the muscle. For a while, they started "connecting" and "communicating" with a soul, and this soul seemed to know a lot of things that it shouldn't know!

After a while, my girlfriend started asking about Johnny's condition. The muscle moves very quickly: "On June 24, 1987, Johnny won't have to worry anymore", and he immediately moves to "Goodbye". My girlfriend and Shelly were very happy, believing that it was the day Johnny completely recovered, they even took note of this information and stuffed it into an envelope. And yes, Johnny won't have to worry.

On June 24, 1987, he died.

4. Die, you bastard!
Angela Jackson knows very well that I should not play with the mechanical game, especially after being sent a warning message by the invisible force. 

When she joined and a soulful call, a psychic turned to Angela and said her dead father wanted to talk to her, he told him she was planning to play the bridge, and he pleaded with her. Never try it. Angela was surprised when she sent this message. And as expected, a few weeks later, Angela played the bridge.

Angela has been obsessed with the afterlife since she was very young, she dreamed of that spiritual world many times. Once Angela dreamed that her father died; A few months later, he died.

This is Angela's account of what happened on the night she played the bridge.

"That night, my whole body was trembling with excitement as I placed my index finger on the glass of glass that was flipped back over the table. The glass began to move slightly. Robert, my neighbor, ask: "Who do you want to talk to?" And the glass starts to move to the letters: ANGELA. This soul wants to talk to me! But then the glass moves with a message: " Damn it, you bastard! ”I told Robert and the others that such a joke was not funny, but he said they had no impact on the glass at all. we jumped when the living room door slammed shut.

I asked, trembling, "Who are you?" At the moment I only had my hands on the glass, it moved faster: "I was assassinated! You're the next one!". I continued to ask, "Who are you ???" and "it" answers: SATAN. I shouted: "I'm not afraid! Go to hell!"

The glass slipped out of my hand, flew up and crashed into a clatter.

My neighbors were too frightened, they turned on the lights immediately and blew out the candles. Robert said "We should never play this game again!". But they are not the ones who are informed that they are going to be assassinated! I need to know more.

I almost begged their neighbors to help me play the bridge again. But this time and the next time, that evil spirit never appeared.

One night I was awoken by a nightmare, a man holding a hammer in his hand came to kill me. Now I know everything has gone too far, I have been obsessed every day about my death. I swear I will never touch the table again.

Some time later my neighbors moved away, and I tried to forget what had happened. But I was always worried and scared, like someone was watching me. And then that prediction came the day to come true!

I closed the door and started walking down the stairs. Suddenly I heard a growl behind my back: "Die bastard!". I was too frightened and didn't know what to do but stand still. Shaking, I turned and saw a man in a white T-shirt coming out of the darkness, holding a sharp-headed hammer in his hand. I shouted, the man who rushed to beat the hammer on my head heard a horrified thud. He beats again and I can feel blood flowing down my face. Too painful, I was disoriented, I could not see the face of the person attacking me, at that time I just wanted to run away. Blood everywhere, I crawled to the main door and collapsed unconscious.

I woke up later in the hospital, shocked and confused. A doctor came to explain to me: "You have a cracked skull after the attack." 6 years have passed and the police cannot find the killer. If I heard my father's warning, it might not have happened. But remember one thing: never underestimate the mechanical game. You can't imagine what evil forces are behind it! 

3. Mysterious fire

A mother and her daughter were rescued in the fire at their house. Accidents happen after they play the mechanical bridge. The mother and daughter were said to have tried to "connect" with their dead dog's soul. This dog was murdered by his mother's boyfriend, he drowned it in the bath, then cut it into small pieces and put it in the toilet flushed to mourn.

After everything was over, Margaret Carroll and her daughter Katrina Livingstone began using the toilet to talk to their Molly dog. On Friday night, Katrina told a neighbor that the soul they were talking to said that their mother and daughter were about to die, and the fire happened on Saturday afternoon!

In the intense fire, the firefighters had to be very troubled to pull the two mother and son out of the house, they were taken to the hospital in critical condition. 

Police said their wounds were not burns, in other words, they were injured not because of the fire. So what really happened in that house?

2. Entered the body
Alexandra Huerta, a 16-year-old Mexican girl, is believed to have been cremated after trying to contact her deceased parents with a mechanical game with her brother and cousin.

Before playing, Alexandra drank Brugmansia, a drug made from a poisonous flower. This drug is also known as the "Angel Trumpet", causing hallucinations, confusion, paralysis of the muscles and can lead to death if overdose is used. This drug is widely used in Mexico, especially by followers of the Shaman religion, who believe that drinking it will communicate with the "upper realms".

After just a few minutes of playing the muscle, all three of them felt heavy hallucinations, and tried to hurt themselves in any way. Below is a video of Alex speaking in strange languages, writhing on the ground and even saying that she is about to die.

When Alex was discharged from the hospital, her family took care of her. But they believed that evil spirits had entered Alex and would never leave her alone.
1. Exorcism

The film "Roland Doe's Exorcism" is based on the true event of a possessed boy after contacting his dead aunt through a mechanical game.

When he was alive, the boy's aunt was a psychic and she taught him everything. After she passed away, the boy began to apply what his aunt taught and that had very disastrous consequences.

There are 9 priests who come to exorcise to chase away the souls possessing the boy's body, which takes place within a few weeks. The boy was in the body after playing the muscle. When the holy water was sprinkled, the words "Hello" appeared on his chest and thighs, and in addition were very deep scratches. A priest also saw the demon's face appearing on the boy's leg. His bed shook violently and he growled in strange languages.

In the end, the souls in the boy's body were also chased away, he returned to normal life.

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