3 câu hỏi có thể làm thay đổi cuộc đời bạn
'Enlightenment does not come from answers, but from questions.' - Eugene Lonesco
Here are 3 questions that if you really seriously think about it, your life may change unexpectedly. It is not because of any miraculousness in it, but simply that these are questions that we rarely dare to ask ourselves. But it's time for you to bravely ask yourself this, and be honest with the answers you get
1. If you have a friend who always tells you what you are telling yourself right now, how long will you be friends with that person?
Remember that the way you treat yourself will set the standard for how others treat you. You need to love your people, otherwise no one will love you. So treat yourself the way you want others to treat you. Don't deny what you can do, and frankly acknowledge your good person. We need to learn how to be our own good friends, because sometimes we can easily turn ourselves into our biggest enemy.
We talk to ourselves every day, and what we tell ourselves creates our beliefs. Each of us has two wolves: a negative wolf and a positive wolf. The question is every day you wake up, which wolf will be the winning wolf? Answer: the wolf that you give him more food. If you only say negative words to yourself, the negative wolf will win. And conversely, if you say positive things, the positive wolf will be an effective companion with you.
So whenever you are alone, notice the words you tell yourself. Observe carefully your thoughts. And remember that no one can hurt you, except your thoughts. Every day we have 10,000 thoughts, so it's best not to waste the 9,999 thoughts left to continue to emit negative and limited thoughts.
Did you choose the words you told yourself recently? Do you use it for positive or negative purposes? If I overhear what you told yourself a minute ago, will I hear negative or positive statements?
The important thing here is to understand that your relationship with yourself is the most important and close relationship you have ever had in your life. So ask yourself:
Where is the last time someone told you that they love you for your true self? And what do you think and feel are important to them?
What was the last time someone said you did very well, and led you to a special place to celebrate your personal victories because they simply knew that you deserved it? And what is the last time that "someone" is YOU?
2. If today is the last day of your life, would you like to do what you will do today?
Think about this seriously. And if your answer is NO for many days, you know it's time to change.
Have you ever woken up and asked yourself, "What am I doing here?" and your answer is "Don't know anymore"? Most of us think we have all the time in this world, and we don't think too much about death. But in fact, death is closer to us than ever. And tomorrow may never come to anyone, including you, including me, and your loved ones. So if in the time you live in this world, if your answer is "Don't know anymore" then maybe it's time for you to think seriously about what you want to do in life. this.
3. What are you holding that you need to give up?
As you grow up, you gradually discover who you are and what you want. You know that you need to change. Life before was no longer suitable for you. People you know before now no longer see life like you used to. And you cherish every moment, but you find that you need to move forward.
Everything in your past does not belong to the present. Grasping relationships or memories that happened in the past means allowing yourself to be stuck in a dimension that no longer exists. Leaving behind and moving forward doesn't mean that you erase or completely forget about the wonderful things in the past, it just means that you understand that you can live in the present without based on them.
At the end of a stretch of road is the beginning of something more amazing. Don't cling to the past that happened. Do not suffer because of those beautiful memories. Also don't remove them from your memories. Embrace it, love it, and cherish it. So you can peacefully put it in your anniversary box so you can say to yourself: "Dear Love, thank you for all the great lessons you taught me. Hello Hello, I'm ready to move on! "
Courage to acknowledge the truth
Facing truth is the beginning of change. As soon as you finish these lines, take out the pen and paper immediately and write down all the answers to the three questions above. Be serious and honest with yourself. You may be surprised at your answer.
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