Những phương pháp để loại bỏ vết chai ở chân
Keep your legs healthy by wearing appropriate shoes and socks, and soak and rub your feet regularly, which can help remove calluses. If you maintain these habits regularly, you can even prevent the bottle from forming from the beginning. Let's read the following methods!
Method I: Remove calluses at home
1. Soak your feet often. If your feet have calluses, you should soak your feet often to soften dry skin and dead skin. Softening the skin with warm water and foot baths with mild soaps can help remove calluses more easily.
2. Remove calluses with pumice stone or nail file. After taking a bath or after bathing, use pumice stone, foot file or sandpaper to scrub the dead skin on the callus.
3. Protect some parts of the legs. The bottle (and the lump) appears in the areas of the foot rubbing against the shoe and socks when you walk. You may find some shoes make your legs more prone to getting loose. So first you need to wear shoes that fit your feet so that they do not cause calluses or lumps. On the other hand, you can use non-prescription personal bandages as an alternative to protecting your feet.
4. Visit the doctor. If the callus or lump becomes too painful or swollen, you should see your doctor to discuss the best action plan.
5. Use medicine to remove calluses. There are many medical products that help remove calluses that doctors can recommend for you
6. Buy shoe pads measured according to foot size. Deformation of the foot is a reason that causes the callus. Distortion can be quite small but enough to cause excess rubbing in some position on the foot with the inside of the shoe. Buying shoe pads that are measured by foot size or orthopedic shoe insole can help regulate foot deformity and reduce the risk of calluses.
Method II: Take care of your feet
1. Choose the right shoes. Buying and wearing the right shoes is a long way to prevent calluses from forming in the feet
2. Keep your feet dry. Socks are as important as shoes in keeping legs healthy and without calluses. Cotton socks or socks made from natural fibers are the best choice to keep your feet dry when wearing shoes. This step is especially important when you are physically active and sweat more than usual.
3. Moisturize your feet every day. Stain bottles form due to the position on the legs rubbing against socks and shoes. But you can prevent and cure calluses by moisturizing your feet every day, while keeping your skin soft.
4. Find ways to avoid and remove the bumps. Bumps are calluses that form in the toes instead of other places on the feet. Bump is usually caused by the toe of the shoe rubbing against the toes. In other words, the bump may be due to the too small part of the toe or high heel shoe that causes the foot to bend down due to gravity
5. Relax. Resting your feet often is also important. Like all other parts of the body, legs need to rest after pressure. Besides, if you often sit cross-legged, sometimes change your legs to improve circulation.
Method III: Try other ways to take care of your feet
1. Soak feet in lemon juice. Acid in lemon juice can be helpful in softening and removing calluses. Soak your feet in lemon juice for about 10 minutes before using pumice or nail files to rub your feet.
2. DIY crack healing cream. The heel is usually one of the most susceptible to the bottle. You can keep your heels and the rest of your feet soft and moist by making crack healing creams at home. Just put 1 tablespoon olive oil in a small bottle and add a few drops of lemon essential oil or lavender. Shake the bottle until the liquid turns solid and milky like milk then rub it on your feet, especially the heel
3. Apply oil to the feet before going to bed. The best time to moisturize your feet is before going to bed. Not only moisturize your feet with moisturizer bought outside, you can also use vegetable oil. Just apply a layer of vegetable oil on your feet before going to bed and put on thick socks. Wear socks overnight while sleeping and wipe off excess oil the next morning
4. Create night-time foot care mask. The face, hair, and hands can all benefit from the masking and the legs too. Making home foot care masks is very simple, just need 1 teaspoon of Vaseline (or similar product) and 1 lemon juice. Mix Vaseline with lemon juice in a bowl and rub the mixture on clean feet before going to bed. Wear socks all night and wipe off excess Vaseline the next morning
5. Try using Paraffin wax to moisturize your feet. Cosmetologists often use Paraffin wax as part of pedicures at the spa but you can also use Paraffin wax at home. Just melt wax in a large bowl in the microwave and add some mustard oil (1: 1 ratio). Mustard oil is a moisturizing ingredient for feet. Soak your feet in the wax bowl (when the wax is cool enough) twice, wait a little between the soaking to make sure the wax on your feet is dry. Then, wrap the foot in the bag or plastic bag for about 15 minutes. Peel the bag and wax on your feet at the same time
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