Bằng cấp có phải là nhấn tố quan trọng nhất?
In your opinion, important work experience or important qualifications? Which candidates will prioritize candidates when choosing one of the two factors?
I would rather hire a non-diplomat but have 3 years of experience in web programming rather than a student with a "flashy" Master's degree in IT but have no work experience.
Ilya Pozin is a famous businessman, investor and pen. Ilya currently runs Ciplex, an online design and marketing company. He also founded companies like Pluto.TV or Open Me when he was very young. In addition, Ilya is an author for Inc., Forbes and LinkedIn.
In 2012, Inc. Magazine. put Ilya on the list of 30 influential entrepreneurs under 30 years old. In 2013, LinkedIn voted Ilya social network one of the 100 most influential people, along with Richard Branson and Barack Obama. Here are Ilya's share of job hunting for new graduates.
In today's world, there is a fact that a University degree does not guarantee that you will have a job you want. Why? Employers are getting less and less aware of your qualifications.
To be admitted to the normal positions of businesses, what you need is experience and work skills rather than a beautiful transcript. This is something that probably no new graduates want to hear.
Graduates often start looking for jobs with the idea "Why don't they hire me?" Meanwhile, most employers are less interested in basic positions because they don't want to. wagering with people who may not make a big change for their business (the lower the position, the less likely it is to contribute to the business).
Therefore, the most important problem for graduates is: What can make you deserve employers to keep an eye on them? Here's what you should pay attention to if you really want to make a difference:
1. Experience is first
I started my first company, Ciplex, at age 17. During my years at the University, I just took advantage of my company development time and took advantage of my time at the School of Technology.
You should know that an internship is not enough today to prove that you have the ability to work for employers. Therefore, the reason most recent graduates have not found jobs is because they lack practical work experience.
Be frank with each other that learning cannot take up a student's entire time. So don't blame yourself wholeheartedly on learning so there's no time to work outside. The simplest way to gain work experience in your field is to get freelance jobs (freelance) or short-term contracts.
These jobs may not help you earn a lot of money but give you the opportunity to learn and develop the skills, attitudes needed such as responsibility, the ability to work independently and the effort at work. And above all, all these things are highly appreciated by current employers. Start working as soon as you are a student if you really worry about your future!
2. Degree is not the most important thing
In short, when you step out of the University gate, it doesn't mean that a dream job is waiting for you. A degree can only help you a little if you plan to work in large companies that have a lot of time and money to retrain employees.
But ask yourself how many people with a degree from a top university and a 4.0 GPA (4 is the highest score a student can achieve on a US scale. GPA 4.0 means that all Your subject will get the maximum score) is also trying to compete with those positions with you? As for entrepreneurs, temporarily forget your degree because no one cares about it.
For my company, I don't even know if my employees have a university degree because they don't really make a big difference. What we need is the performance of the employees, not their scores.
I would rather hire a non-diplomat but have 3 years of experience in web programming rather than a student with a "flashy" Master's degree in IT but have no work experience. Why? Because they know what they really are passionate about (should have passed the degree), have a clear goal at work and the company can benefit from hiring him.
3. Companies only look for people who benefit them
Before you apply for a new job, ask yourself this: What will you contribute to that company? If you can't answer this question explicitly, then don't rush to apply it.
For large enterprises, the question may be a bit difficult to answer specifically, but the competition here is also extremely large. For small businesses, especially startups, are less competitive, but you should also know that they really only want to find people who will really make a great contribution.
Once these start-ups grow, the initial employees will become leaders to decide the fate of the whole company. The opportunity will never come to you if you only want a temporary job and have no interest in the business.
I can say that when considering applications, recognizing who is the only person who cares "superficial" to the company and who we need is quite easy. So, if you want to have a real job, put your enthusiasm out to prove to employers that you are worthy to hire, not someone else.
4. Passion will help you succeed
If you only need a job someday, companies will tell you. Every day I receive a lot of emails from young people, but what they care about is whether we are recruiting or not, but does not show a little passion for work and spirit of company building. Future.
Passion will help you get the job you want. Work experience is just a way to express passion but you will need to learn how to express this correctly on your cover letter, CV and build social relationships.
If you only use a cover letter for all the positions you apply for, do you think you are sending your passion to an employer? Put yourself in the position of a leader, do you want to hire someone who is determined to stick with the company or someone who wants to do it in a short time and "jump" to another place?
5. Go farther than expected
Success does not come to those who just wait. You will have to spend all you have to achieve your goals, whether it is coming home later or working on weekends.
Remember that this is not how you "repay" the company, it's simply how you make a difference in your work. Never stop where you are expected, go further.
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